The credit collection through phone, often simply called phone collection, was born in 2000 as an answer to the need to collect quite recent and small amount credits at a reasonable price.
Kreos was the first company in the credit management industry to bet on this sector, also trying to extend its application because of its speed and reliability.
Nowadays thanks to the great experience acquired and the solidity proved over time, our clients more and more often decide to entrust to our phone operators any kind of file, including terminated transferred contracts, insurance policies, and such.
Our call center is composed by 30 independent and technologically advanced workstations, but, above all, is formed by highly trained and qualified staff, always followed and supported by its team leaders and periodically updated by our consultant on latest legislative and business developments.
Every team is specialized on one or more product types, according to the credit origin and the credit grant date. We also proudly announce that we introduced what is defined as T.L.A. (Team Legal Approach): a small group of collaborators trained exclusively to support our lawyers when it comes to solicit clients through the different phases between sending mails, the editing and the issue of administrative order and writs, repossessions.
Our management software, developed completely in house, helps all the collaborators in managing researches, appointment dates and deadlines.
It results in high performances, quick validations and infinite help.
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